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Spring is the perfect time for planting, adding pine straw, or mulch to your gardens and beds. It is also a perfect time for planning and bargain shopping for the newest plants and shrubs available at the local nurseries. To ensure your new additions survive the early parts of spring, postpone fragile plant install until after Easter. Now is the time for seasonal color changes. Seasonal sod can be installed in the early months of the year as well as Fescue seed. This is also a perfect time for aeration, and tree and shrub pruning. To ensure a perfect lawn it is also time for weed control and fertilization for those soon to flourish lawns. This is also the perfect time to check your irrigation system is in working order.
This is the time to sit back and enjoy your efforts. By monitoring water and timing irrigation with the local weather, you can expect all your hard work to finally pay off. Check your local city websites for water restrictions and regulations for the most consistent watering schedules for your lawn. To gain the most efficiency form your watering schedules, water between the hours of 6:30 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. Watering mid-day can cause more harm than good. Watering mid day, the hottest part of the day, leads to about 20% water absorption, and 80% water evaporation. Watering at night increases the chance of fungus and bacteria growth as the grass goes dormant. Monitor your property for drought stress and follow these steps for a healthy lawn.
Fall is also a good time for planting. Many nurseries have end of year sales that will save you money at the register. Check planting instructions and be sure not to by spring annuals as most retailers are trying to clear their shelves. Now is the time for your fall bulbs and seasonal color changes. Avoid mulch and pine straw now because it will only be covered up by the leaves in the next few weeks
Winter is an excellent time to prune trees and shrubs. Many plants have lost their leaves, making it easier to see their framework and decide which branches to remove. However, do not prune plants that bloom in the spring, as you could remove next spring's flowers. Prune these plants after the blooms fall off in the spring. Seasonal sod can be installed in the early months of the year as well as fescue seed and winter rye. Now is the perfect time for mulch and pine straw to spruce up those dreary beds around the house.